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1. Author guidelines

Section types

Senderos Pedagogicos Journal (Resep) publishes one or more of the following sections in each issue. The general characteristics of each of these items are described below:

Research derivate articles

Scientific and technological research article: presents, in detail, the original results of completed research projects. The structure contains: introduction, methodology, results and discussion, conclusions. Articles should be between 4,000 and 7,000 words in length, including footnotes, references, tables, figures, and maps. This type of article is subject to review by the editorial committee and commits an arbitration mechanism.

Reflection article: presents finished research results from an analytical, interpretive or critical perspective of the author, on a specific topic, using original sources. The general structure contains: introduction, methodology, development, discussion and conclusions. Articles should be between 4,000 and 7,000 words in length, including footnotes, references, tables, figures, and maps. The works in this section are subject to review by the Editorial Committee and commit to an arbitration mechanism.

Review article: publication derived from completed research that compiles and systematizes the developments of other researchers in a specific area or theme, based on a detailed and extensive bibliographic review analysis of at least fifty (50) references. The purpose of this type of text is to develop a critical point of view or position regarding that area or topic. The articles must account for what is the big question to be resolved and the main objective that will be addressed throughout the text. In terms of structure, this type of article must respond to a coherent, logical and purposeful order in which it is realized: introduction, method, development of the theme, discussion and conclusions. Articles should be between 4,000 and 7,000 words in length, including footnotes, references, tables, figures, and maps. This type of article is evaluated by the editorial committee and commits to an arbitration mechanism.

Other types of articles: 

Short article: presents preliminary or partial original results of scientific or technological research that, in general, requires prompt dissemination. Article limit is 4,000 words including footnotes, references, tables, figures, and maps.

Case report: presents the results of a study on a particular situation in order to publicize the technical and methodological experiences considered in a specific case. It includes a commented systematic review of the literature on analogous cases. The case report should be between 4,000 and 7,000 words in length, including footnotes, references, tables, figures, and maps.

Topic review: it is a text resulting from the critical review of the literature on a particular topic; It should be between 4,000 and 7,000 words in length, including footnotes, references, tables, figures, and maps.

Letter from the editor: it is the critical, analytical or interpretive position on the documents published in the Journal that, in the opinion of the Editorial Committee, constitute an important contribution to the discussion of the subject by the reference scientific community.

Reviews and Interviews: This section integrates book, master's, doctoral, and post-doctoral thesis reviews. In the case of interviews, they must be conducted with teachers, researchers, public figures or people linked to the reflection of the social sciences in relation to the disciplinary field of education and pedagogy. The informed consent of the person interviewed must be attached. Reviews should be between 800 and 1,000 words in length and interviews between 1,500 and 2,500 words. Its review and approval for publication is in charge of the Editorial Committee.

Presentations: these are dissertations presented by researchers or students at scientific conferences, symposiums or academic meetings. They should be between 4,000 and 7,000 words in length, including footnotes, references, tables, figures, and maps. Its review and approval for publication is in charge of the Editorial Committee.

Article of reflection not derived from research: it presents a reflection on a problem of disciplinary interest from a critical and interpretive perspective of the author. Articles should be between 4,000 and 7,000 words in length, including footnotes, references, tables, figures, and maps. Its review and approval for publication is in charge of the Editorial Committee.

Opinion article: must be submitted by a single author. They are short works that present the reflection on a problem of disciplinary interest that affects public opinion. Article limit is 4,000 words including footnotes, references, tables, figures, and maps. In this type of article, freedom of expression and free formal structure are the hallmark of the author. Its review and approval for publication is in charge of the editorial committee.


2. Instructions for authors

Articles submitted to Senderos Pedagogicos Journal (Resep) must meet the following publication criteria:

  1. Author registration on the OJS platform at the following address: https://ojs.tdea.edu.co/index.php/senderos/user/register
  2. The texts must be unpublished and original, without previous publication in other publishing or academic media and without parallel application for publication in another journal. (Download letter of originality format).
  3. In order to ensure confidentiality and transparency in the editorial process, articles must not contain the name or other information that reveals the identity of the author. Personal information is recorded in the author file. (Download author file format).
  4. Attach the declaration of conflict of interest as a separate file. (Download conflict declaration format).
  5. Attach the authorization letter for article publication. (Download authorization letter format).
  6. The article must be written in the third person and have an extension between 4,000 and 7,000 words, including footnotes, tables, figures, maps and references.
  7. The manuscript must be submitted in word for windows format, times new roman font 12 points, letter size, space before and after zero (0) points, double line spacing, margins of 2.54 cm, written in a single column, aligned to the left , without justifying. If the text includes tables or figures, the originals must be attached, clear enough to facilitate editing; In addition, they must not exceed five (5) tables and figures in total.
  8. The structure that a research article should follow is as follows: introduction, methodology, results and discussion, conclusions. (See support guide).
  9. The title should not exceed 10 words and 15 with a subtitle. The abstract must be a maximum of 150 words; It is written in a single paragraph and should not contain references or abbreviations. Keywords must be between three (3) and five (5) and must be taken from the UNESCO Thesaurus: http://databases.unesco.org/thessp. The title, abstract and keywords must be translated into English.
  10. Citations and references must follow the standards of the american psychological association (APA) in its seventh edition, which can be consulted at the following address: https://apastyle.apa.org/. References are located at the end of the document, in alphabetical order and only those cited in the article are placed. The author is asked to avoid excessive self-citation and any type of data in the body of the text that offers clues about his identity or that of the author group.
  11. When using an acronym or abbreviation, its full equivalence is first recorded and then, in parentheses, the term that will be used in the rest of the document.
  12. If a word is highlighted in the text and an anglicism is used, it is recommended that it be in italics. However, in the first case, it should not be abused.
  13. The numbers within the text are in prose, followed by the Arabic number in parentheses. Example: three (3) people were interviewed.
  14. Footnotes are used to make comments or clarifications that enrich the text; They must be short and in no case should they be used to cite authors. They are transcribed in 10-point Times New Roman.

Article shipping

Articles and their respective annexes must be sent to OJS platform, indicating the following aspects:

 The section of the Journal to which the manuscript is submitted.

  1. The corresponding author.
  2. The order in which the authors will appear in the publication (applies to collective articles).

When submitting the article, the following documents must be attached in separate files: letter of originality, author file, declaration of conflict of interest and letter of authorization for article publication.

The content of the articles is the responsibility of the authors and does not commit Resep and Tecnológico de Antioquia, Institución Universitaria.


3. Peer review process

The author will be solely responsible for any violation of copyright. Resep reserves the right to accept and publish literature reviews, adaptations and translations.

 When submitting an article to Resep's permanent call, it is understood that:

  • The author welcomes and accepts the rules established by the Journal for the presentation and evaluation of articles.
  • Makes the presentation of the writing with the prior and express knowledge and/or authorization of the institution, public or private, that finances or sponsors the elaboration of the proposed text.
  • Expresses his willingness to publish the article, which does not except the completion of the authorization form for publication and reproduction of the work.
  • Every article submitted to Resep goes through an evaluation process carried out by the Editor, the Editorial Committee and the expert evaluators. Product of the result of the process determines the publication or not of the same.

The procedure for selecting the item is as follows:

  1. Author registration on the OJS platform at the following address: https://ojs.tdea.edu.co/index.php/senderos/user/register.
  2. Sending the manuscript and the attached formats (letter of originality, author file, declaration of conflict of interest and letter of authorization for article publication) to OJS. Resep does not require the transfer of copyright, so they continue to belong to it. The author signs a letter where he authorizes Resep the right of first publication and the free reproduction of the article in bibliographic indexes, repositories, databases and other electronic dissemination sites.
  3. The Editor, in the company of the Editorial Board, verifies compliance with the publication criteria according to the Prior Evaluation grid format, submits the article to the plagiarism detection process, verifies the forms required for the presentation of the manuscript in its structure and components. If optimal compliance with them is verified, the text proceeds to the selection of peer reviewers; otherwise, it will be returned to the author indicating the reasons for the rejection.
  4. The Editor sends the text to the peer reviewers, who are granted a term of fifteen (15) calendar days to carry out their work; the evaluation format is presented according to the type of article that must be filled out and the review is clarified under the double blind spot modality. Once the term of evaluation for the selected referees has expired, their concept is exposed to the author, which includes the decision on the publication of the article, which may be:
  • Accept the article for publication without modification.
  • Accept the article without substantive changes.
  • Accept the article with major modifications.
  • Do not publish the article.

For the selection of peer reviewers, it is sought that at least 80% be external to the Editorial Committee and the publishing entity.

  1. In the event that the article is accepted, subject to making changes and adjustments, the Editor will consult the author's willingness to continue with the editorial process. In case of obtaining a negative response from the author, the article is understood to have been rejected. If the author's response is positive, a new term of fifteen (15) calendar days is granted to make the adjustments and modifications, and return the new version of the writing to the Editor of the journal. If you do not agree with some of the recommendations, you can argue it by means of a letter to the Editor. Once the modifications have been reviewed, the author is informed of the result by electronic communication. The final decision to publish or reject the works depends directly on the Editorial Committee.
  2. If there is no coincidence in the opinions of the evaluating peers (one approved and the other rejected), the editorial committee makes the final decision once the author makes the changes suggested by the peers, with the possibility of being subjected to a third evaluation.
  3. The evaluation, approval and publication of the articles have a maximum time of eight (8) months from the date of receipt. In case of doubts or questions during the editorial process, the corresponding author can be consulted by email and, if necessary, by telephone.
  4. The author receives a copy of the number in which his article is published. Resep's content will also be available in the Open Journal System and in databases and bibliographic indexes where the Journal is indexed.


4. Anti-plagiarism policy

Resep submits each of the submitted articles to the originality test according to the turnitin software, in order to verify that the content is unpublished and respects the copyright or intellectual property of third parties. The author guarantees that the text is original, unpublished, of his own authorship and without parallel application for publication in another journal.

If any indication is detected that may violate the anti-plagiarism policy, before defining that it is a plagiarism behavior that leads to the withdrawal of the article from the editorial process, the author is informed in writing of the result of the evaluation and their comments are requested. respective clarifications.


5. Citation and reference guide

Resep uses the parenthetical model of the Publication Style Manual of the american psychological association (APA) 7th edition. The postulated articles must have a proper citation and referencing of their sources and resources such as tables, figures and maps.


6. Declaration of conflict of interest

Conflict of interest can be defined as a situation in which there is a financial or personal relationship between an author (or his/her institution), reviewer or editor that may improperly influence the autonomy, objectivity and scientific rigor of published articles.

As part of Resep's editorial policy, all authors must disclose the existence or not of a conflict of interest based on a format. This must be submitted as a separate file (one for each author), when submitting the article for review. Download format.

The interest of the journal is not to prevent the publication of the article, unless the editorial committee considers it pertinent to do so. In case of any type of conflict and the work is published, said interests will be disclosed, so that the peer reviewers and readers can determine if there are relevant conflicts that may have a direct impact on the work and scientific rigor of the author or authors.

The evaluating peers are also required to present the declaration of conflict or not of interest, which must be sent at the time of accepting the review of a work. Download format.